Hello! What you doing here? Lovely to see you. Have a cheeky look around why don't you?
A comedy twosome with over two decades of mucking about behind them, we have been everywhere from New Zealand to The Falklands and Exeter to Edinburgh with many a stop in between.
In late 2019 we won the UK Comedy Awards, Comedian of the Year award! Yes! Us! It was voted for by our colleagues in comedy so means a lot. Thanks you big arseholes. Love you.
We've played the lowliest pub back room to the London Palladium and had a month in Edinburgh courtesy of the quite fabulous Brett Vincent at Get Comedy with a resulting 5 star review from The Scotsman! I know. Posh right? Plus a load of other lovely reviews that we're far too modest to talk about...
We've been out filming stuff to show that we can do other stuff too... This is what came out of the computer
Please feel free to offer lucrative film deals or parts in multi million pound Netflix series.
Also happy to just come and play if someones got an idea...
Right then. We have been to some real horrors recently and as grateful as we are for the work, we would enjoy it more, as would your guests, if a few simple rules could be followed. This infographic is for you if you're having a wedding, a birthday party, a crime world clan gathering or simply want a night of amusement prior to a 20th anniversary high school reunion murder fest. These rules work for all entertainment but particularly for us. Being visual, punters have to be able to see what we're up to.
Happy to discuss all and any questions that might come up.
PS Raffle goes after comedy never before. Kills it stone dead. Definitely, definitely, definitely not just before the closing act.
...and while we're chatting about, "on the night stuff", this is what a pro pa system should look like. We can't use the speakers in the ceiling systems or single speakers, regardless how loud they reputedly go, unless it is one of those sweet, sweet Bose systems with the sticky up speakers on a bass bin. They're good. You will really appreciate what we do at a high volume. Like David Bowie, we are to be played at maximum volume.
what do you reckon then?
want to book us?
send us a message why don't you?
PS We need a minimum space of 2m deep by 3m wide and a pro quality pa with an input for an ipad... just in case you were wondering? You know, about booking us and that?